Aylesbury police hunt witnesses after man 'grabbed woman's bottom' in town sexual assault

Thames Valley Police are looking for witnesses to a sexual assault on Buckingham Road.Thames Valley Police are looking for witnesses to a sexual assault on Buckingham Road.
Thames Valley Police are looking for witnesses to a sexual assault on Buckingham Road.
Thames Valley Police are looking for witnesses to a sexual assault on Buckingham Road.

Between 9.50am and 10am on Saturday (19/12), the victim, a woman in her twenties, was walking down Buckingham Road, at the junction of Chappell Close, when she saw a man get off a bus and start to follow her.

The man ran up behind her, grabbed her bottom and then ran away.

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The offender is described as a white man, aged in his late teens, who had dark black hair with a fringe that was swept to the side of his face. He was wearing a black mask, jeans a red and black patterned jacket.

Investigating officer, PC Anita Froomes, based at Aylesbury police station said: “This incident has left the victim shaken and I am appealing for anyone who may have witnessed what happened to please get in touch.

“I would also urge any motorists who were in the local area or any residents with CCTV to check the footage in case it may have captured anything that could help us with this investigation.

“You can submit the footage to us via our dedicated online portal for this investigation - https://unitedkingdom1cpp-portal.digital-policing.co.uk/request/4OamwUTWPiRicb4u3pV9rkANbneNtwAb

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“Anyone with information can contact Thames Valley Police by calling 101 or making a report online, quoting reference 43200431592.

“Alternatively, if you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”