Cirque Berserk comes to town!

The Cirque Berserk crew invite you to go berserkus tonight and tomorrow at the Waterside TheatreThe Cirque Berserk crew invite you to go berserkus tonight and tomorrow at the Waterside Theatre
The Cirque Berserk crew invite you to go berserkus tonight and tomorrow at the Waterside Theatre
The Cirque Berserk crew invite you to go berserkus tonight and tomorrow at the Waterside Theatre

To get you in the mood, I stepped into the "ball of death" - See the video below

The daredevil Lucius team whizz around the 'ball of death' with such ease, despite the act previously being thought to be too dangerous to perform in Theatres.

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The show combines centuries old skills and traditions of the touring circus ring with a wonderful contemporary approach to staging.

The Cirque Berserk crew invite you to go berserkus tonight and tomorrow at the Waterside TheatreThe Cirque Berserk crew invite you to go berserkus tonight and tomorrow at the Waterside Theatre
The Cirque Berserk crew invite you to go berserkus tonight and tomorrow at the Waterside Theatre

The show has a company of 35 performers delivering a non-stop smorgasbord of more than 30 different circus skills

There’s tumbling and acrobatics, knife throwing and balancing, aerial displays and juggling - all part of an incredibly talented, international company, who appear to be having a ball.

Julis Green and Martin Burton said: "The Beserkers guarantee maximum thrills by performing entirely without safety devices- literally risking life and limb for your entertainment.

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We spoke to Germaine, who performs a foot juggling act for Cirque Beserk: "Cirque Berserk is circus made specially for theatres, the best on the touring circuit. It's been growing massively, it's a fantastic fast paced show and we have all sorts of acts to keep everyone exhilarated!

"Our performers are from all over the world, Martin Burton our creative director tours the world to dig out the best acts about, which makes the show so good!

"We are looking forward to showing Aylesbury what we can do!

"It's been touring for five years, growing bit by bit and now it's massive. It's a totally different feeling being in the theatres, with a different response compared to a circus ring.

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"All our performers are professional entertainers, rehearse every day for 3 to 4 hours. They have to be 110% sure of what they are doing.

"Cirque Besek will defintely keep you on the edge of your seats!"