Thames Valley Police issue warning after spate of tool thefts in the Aylesbury area

A recovered wood-chipperA recovered wood-chipper
A recovered wood-chipper
Last week before Christmas Officers seized a large quantity of tools which police believe to have been stolen.

Thames Valley Police have asked residents to please mark their tools, with either a postcode or a company name so that police may be able to return them when they are recovered.

They wrote on their facebook page today:

"Last week officers seized a number of tools which they believed to have been stolen.

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More recovered tools.More recovered tools.
More recovered tools.

"We have tried to identify the owners but without success. We are now appealing for anyone who thinks these tools may be theirs to contact us at [email protected], with details of the tools and any unique markings on them.

"Please remember to security mark your tools, with either a postcode or a company name as this means we can return stolen items. #P7042"