Crowd funding campaign after thief steals from 96-year-old blind man

The man was pickpocketed near the Old Gaol in BuckinghamThe man was pickpocketed near the Old Gaol in Buckingham
The man was pickpocketed near the Old Gaol in Buckingham
A 96-year-old man who was pick pocketed outside the Old Gaol has received £200 to fill the void thanks to a Facebook appeal.

Last month, the great-great-grandfather, who is registered blind, was sat on a bench in Buckingham when £200 was stolen from him.

The cash which he had only just withdrawn from the ATM was to pay for shopping and a carer.

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It was reported to the police who are still appealing for witnesses.

But when a family member shared the story on Facebook, it struck a chord with town residents who wanted to help recover the money.

Together, they have raised the £200 and further contributions are going to blind charity, Bucks Vision.

Family friend Carmen Robinson, who set up the crowd fund page, said: “The story touched my heart.

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“It could have been my grandad and I try to treat people how I would like to be treated myself.

“So it’s nice to do something like this – for the community.

“I spoke to the gentleman’s family and they said it put the biggest smile on his face when they told him what we’d done.”

Van driver Carmen, who lives in Gawcott, is chuffed with how much has been raised but she would like to see the total soar.

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She said: “All together, we have had about 20 people contributing which is great.

“But there were a hell of a lot more people who said they would support it, when the message was first posted on Facebook. It seems quite a lot of people haven’t seen the page.”

The pensioner’s grand-daughter said: “Predominantly it is not about the money, we would really like the thieves to be caught which is still our priority.

“My granddad is obviously not asking for money and he was blown away by the generosity of this town pulling together and showing support.”

Go to and call police on 101 if you have any information.

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