EDITOR'S COLUMN: We'll meet again, and when we do we will remember and properly thank all the kind ones

Lemmy is looking forward to a big long walk in the countrysideLemmy is looking forward to a big long walk in the countryside
Lemmy is looking forward to a big long walk in the countryside
The sunshine really helps doesn’t it?

It’s well documented in this column that I’m not a fan of the winter months at all, the grey days and dark starts always really get me down, and by the end I always find myself counting down the weeks until we will see the sunshine again.

We were lucky this winter I think because there were some brighter days in and amongst the gloom, keeping our vitamin D levels, and spirits up.

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Because sunshine is positive, and while we are all feeling uncertain and a bit afraid right now, doesn’t it help to look out of the window and see the blue sky and the light. When the days are brighter it’s easier to find things to feel grateful for, and every one of us has a few of those, even now.

What also helps me is hearing the wonderful stories of people who are doing their best to spread a little joy at this moment of crisis.

Like Samantha who refused to be beaten when her charity run was cancelled, or Kelvin from the Watermead Inn who gave all the residents of Watermead a free cold beer at the weekend.

Human spirit will triumph, and like The Queen said this week, we will meet again, and when we do we will remember who was nice.

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