Robbers who hospitalised 87 year-old man during Aylesbury attack sent to jail

Cristi Neculai was arrested on 23 March and Adelin Neculai on 24 April.Cristi Neculai was arrested on 23 March and Adelin Neculai on 24 April.
Cristi Neculai was arrested on 23 March and Adelin Neculai on 24 April.
Two men who hospitalised an 87 year-old man as they robbed him of his wallet during an attack in Aylesbury have been sent to prison.

Adelin Neculai, aged 22, of Beech Crescent, Bradford and Cristi Neculai, aged 24, of Rockingham Road, Corby, both pleaded guilty to robbery in a hearing at Aylesbury Crown Court on Wednesday 10 June.

Returning to the same court, they were both jailed for six years in a sentencing hearing on Tuesday (16/6).

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At around 10pm on Tuesday 17 March in Granville Street, the victim, an 87-year-old man, was hit and had his wallet stolen, containing £10, bank cards and personal items.

He suffered a serious head injury plus cuts and bruises to his face, which required treatment at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. He has since been discharged.

Cristi Neculai was arrested on 23 March and Adelin Neculai on 24 April.

They were both charged with robbery on 25 April.

Designated investigator Hannah Mitchell, of the Priority Crime Team based at Aylesbury police station, said: “This was a violent attack on an elderly man, and as a result, he suffered some serious injuries.

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“A small amount of cash was stolen in the robbery, along with some personal effects, and this crime has had a significant impact on the victim and his family.

“I am pleased that Adelin and Cristi Neculai pleaded guilty to the offence, which has meant that the victim does not have to go through the ordeal of giving evidence in court.

“Thames Valley Police will never tolerate such criminal activity and will work hard to bring offenders to justice.

“Adelin and Cristi Neculai will now serve a lengthy spell in prison to reflect on their actions.”