Share your nostalgic toys with Bucks County Museum for new exhibition

Library image of Bucks County MuseumLibrary image of Bucks County Museum
Library image of Bucks County Museum
It's time to dig your old toys out!

Bucks County Museum in Aylesbury is set to bring back it's popular toy exhibition over the Christmas holidays and it is looking for toy collectors who would like to loan them some toys for the display.

We all grew up with a favourite toy (mine was Thomas the tank engine!) - maybe it was a teddy bear, a set of lego or some dolls but we all have that one toy, that when we see it, we're transported back to our childhoods.

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That's what the museum is aiming to do this Christmas for visitors but they need help and are particularly after toys from the Sixties, Seventies, Eighties and Nineties.

Therefore, if you have a collection, big or small that you would like to share - this is an opportunity to display it at the museum for other people to enjoy.

Some examples would be collections of Dinky cars, early computer games, Barbies, Action Men, must-have toys like the Cabbage Patch doll, toys from television programmes or movies.

The toys will be very carefully looked after and displayed behind glass.

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If you’ve got interesting and nostalgic toys that will bring back memories and would like to lend it to the museum then you can email an image of the collection with a short description to [email protected].

The exhibition will open on December 15 and run through until January 19 2019.