Stoke Mandeville patients being warned to stay away as A&E departments reach critical capacity

Stoke Mandeville HospitalStoke Mandeville Hospital
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
Non emergency patients are being urged to stay away from Buckinghamshire's A&E Departments unless it's absolutely necessary.

People are being urged to avoid going to A&E and find alternative care as Stoke Mandeville Hospital struggles to find beds for its patients.

A statement from Bucks Healthcare said:

"Due to an exceptionally high surge in attendances at our A&E department, we are urging people to stay away from A&E unless it is a genuine emergency.

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"We would like to reassure people that emergency cases will be seen and treated as usual. People will be seen in order of clinical priority.

"People are being asked not to go to A&E with common winter illnesses, such as chest infections, coughs and cold, diarrhoea or vomiting unless they are advised to do so by a doctor or pharmacist."

Dr Rebecca Mallard Smith, who is Clinical Director for Urgent Care, for the two Clinical Commissioning Groups in Bucks and a practicing GP in Prestwood said: “The Accident and Emergency departments only have the capacity to treat people who have serious, life-threatening or dangerous conditions and ambulances should only be called in genuine emergencies. But we would like to reassure people that emergency cases will be seen and treated as usual, with priority given to those with greatest clinical need.

“Please do not attend hospitals with common winter illnesses, such as chest infections, coughs and colds, diarrhoea or vomiting. If you think you have the flu, the best remedy is usually to rest at home, keep warm and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. You can take paracetamol or ibuprofen to lower a high temperature and relieve aches if necessary. Stay off work or school until you're feeling better. For most people, this will take about a week. Consult a doctor or pharmacist if symptoms persist or are severe, but there is no benefit in attending A&E unless you are advised to do so.”

NHS England said: ‘The NHS’s tried and tested plans are currently managing the ongoing pressures of this winter.’

Have you been turned away from A&E? Get in touch at [email protected]