Three Peaks challenge for agency team

Team from Elaborate Communications to tackle Three Peaks Challenge - from left, Sean Moloney MD, Gemma Mills, sales executive, and Phil Page PR manager.Team from Elaborate Communications to tackle Three Peaks Challenge - from left, Sean Moloney MD, Gemma Mills, sales executive, and Phil Page PR manager.
Team from Elaborate Communications to tackle Three Peaks Challenge - from left, Sean Moloney MD, Gemma Mills, sales executive, and Phil Page PR manager.
A team of people from a business in Wingrave are to tackle the Three Peaks Challenge to raise funds for the Sailors' Society.

Maritime PR and publishing agency Elaborate Communications staff of Sean Moloney, managing director and editor of Ship Management International, is part of the team which will attempt to climb three of the highest peaks in the United Kingdom within 24 hours. He will be joined by his colleagues Gemma Mills, sales executive, and Phil Page, PR manager, in the 24-hour event.

The first ascent will be up Ben Nevis in Scotland, the highest peak in the UK, followed by an overnight coach ride to the north of England where the teams will scale Helvellyn in the early hours of Sunday morning. The final summit is Mount Snowdon, the highest peak in England and Wales.

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All three Elaborators are following a strict training regime to make sure they’re ready for the challenge which begins on Saturday, June 18.

Sean said: “We’re all training really hard. I’ve signed us up with a local fitness instructor who puts us through our paces every Thursday lunchtime and I’ve also joined a gym which, coupled with taking my dog, Hamish, on long walks, will ensure I’m raring to go by the time June 18 comes around.”

If you wish to donate to this worthy cause please access their Just Giving site by following this link:

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